Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pattie Tomnitz ~ Stress Reduction Training

Value: $ 120 

Pattie is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist, a licensed marriage and family therapist and a college counselor with over 30 years of experience in helping students deal with academic and personal stress. 

She developed a class for college students with learning challenges to develop skills and reduce their anxiety with learning and test performance.  Students significantly improved their ability to self-regulate emotions and bring balance to their mental and emotional systems.  This balanced state facilitated both improved academic and social performance. 

The emwave (HeartMath) is an easy to use software program with a heart rhythm monitor.  It is based on recent scientific evidence that emotions are reflected in heart rhythm patterns.  Students who have the opportunity to practice with the emwave self-regulation technology gain key benefits, including improved academic focus, impulse control and emotional resilience. 

Pattie enjoys helping students to be more successful. She provides information about stress and its impact on brain functioning and tools to reduce stress, build confidence and improve performance and well-being.

Offer valid from now through the 2014-15 school year.

Generously donated by Pattie Tomnitz

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