Friday, March 28, 2014

Windy Oaks Estate ~ 2006 Santa Cruz Mountains Pinot Noir – Special Burgundy Clone

Value: $ 125 

Enjoy this bottle of Windy Oaks Pinot with family and friends. 

The making of Windy Oaks Estate wine begins in earnest after harvest, using classic Burgundian techniques, with gravity feed and minimal handling. Because we are an estate winery, our harvested grapes travel only a few hundred feet from the vines to the winery. Throughout harvest and winemaking, the grapes are handled very gently. A wine-writer recently described our approach as extreme minimal intervention—we try not to manipulate the wine, and use no additives such as enzymes or acidulation.

There are a variety of styles of pinot noir, in part influenced by the quality of the grapes themselves and in part based upon the winemaking techniques. Our unique site combined with our winemaking approach result in a wine, which is complex and relatively tannic, and will age well.

We complement our grape quality by using top-quality French oak barrels. Because pinot noir grapes are among the most sensitive to the way they are handled, we make wine in a way that minimizes the amount of handling, and, as mentioned, relies on gravity throughout the winemaking process.

Generously donated by Caleb Baskins

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