Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tutoring for Math and/or Science with Tony Sloss

Value: $ 120

Three 1-hour sessions of math and science tutoring with Tony Sloss. Tony is a PCS parent and former high school science teacher who tutors middle and high school math and science. 

Tony’s college major was in physics, with additional courses in marine biology and environmental studies. He enjoys teaching math and science as a way of understanding “how the world works.” His aim is to give students the understanding and tools to improve confidence, spur their interests, and solve problems independently.

Tony can tutor you student in any PCS science class, with the exception of AP Biology and/or PCS math classes through pre-Calculus

Offer valid through the 2014-2015 school year.

Generously donated by Tony Sloss, member of the PCS Community

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